What is this?

True Nature can be defined as a fundamental and essential aspect of the self, which remains unchanged however our thoughts, feelings, and perceptions may vary over time. It is inherent in our mortal existence and is comprised of both particular qualities and a general propensity for relatedness, growth, and understanding. True Nature is experienced through insight, wisdom, and clarity, which help to shape our choices, relationships, and spiritual paths. As it is without any attachment or identity, True Nature allows us to live in accordance to our deepest values and highest aspirations.

See also: awareness, ultimate truth, dependent origination, suffering, awakening

The Nature of Awareness - (November Solitary) 9 mentions

Emptiness and the Vastness of Awareness - (Meditation on Emptiness) 4 mentions

Selflessness and a Life of Love - (The Lovingkindness (Metta) Retreat) 4 mentions

Two Talks: 1- Mindfulness and Emptiness - The Foundations; 2- The Ending of the World -... 3 mentions

An Introduction to Emptiness - (Meditation on Emptiness) 3 mentions

'The Holy Life' (Part 2) - (Eros Unfettered - Opening the Dharma of Desire) 2 mentions

On the Essence of Being - (Mindfulness, Insight, Liberation) 2 mentions

Judgment - (Cambridge Day Retreats) 2 mentions

Chandrakirti's Chariot and the Unfindable Self - (Meditation on Emptiness) 2 mentions

Freedom, Reality, and the Razor's Edge - (Unbinding the Heart) 2 mentions